Next Generation includes:
> Calvary Kids
> Calvary Students
> Calvary College
You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
// Deuteronomy 6:5-7
Where do I drop off my kids?
Someone at the Guest Information Center would be happy to direct you to the Calvary Kids area that you need. Please stop by the desk and ask for directions, ask a greeter, or follow the directional signs.
How do I check my kids in?
All children 5th grade or younger are required to check in at our Calvary Kids Check-in Center. There are signs throughout the building pointing you to the center but there will be plenty of greeters who can point you in the right direction. Once you get to the check-in station you will find ipads with easy to follow steps to register your child(ren). There will also be a Calvary Kids volunteer available to help you check in. The printer next to the ipad will print off two stickers – one for you to keep and show the volunteers when you pick up your child(ren), and the other to place on your childs shirt
If you are new to Calvary you can check in your child before you come by filling out our Connection Card >
Do my kids go straight to their class?
We love to have families worshipping together so kids of all ages begin in the main worship service. Towards the beginning of the service (about 10 minutes) the children will be dismissed to their classes.
Upon arriving for the morning service, nursery care is immediately available for all of the little ones (infant through age 2), with separate rooms for crawlers and toddlers once they are checked in.
3-year-olds through 5th-graders will accompany you to the auditorium so you can enjoy the first part of the service as a family worshipping in song, prayer, and Bible reading. The kids will be dismissed and will make their way to their own classes where God’s Word will be taught in conjunction with Scripture, songs, and activities by leaders who love kids! Through LifeWay’s The Gospel Project curriculum, kids and preschoolers alike will find out that the Bible is not just a collection of stories, but one unified story—God’s story of redemption.
Calvary Kids Ministry
Our goal is to help kids find joy in Jesus by sharing the love of Christ with each child as we model and teach the Gospel through Bible teaching, prayer, worship songs and activities. Our hope is that each child who participates in our ministry will receive the gift of salvation and enjoy loving and serving God as they grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Sunday Seminars
Our Sunday Seminars are designed to create the first building blocks of a strong, gospel-centered foundation for our children. Our hope is to help our kids know who God is, what He has done in the person and work of Jesus Christ, and learn to love His Word more and more.
Sunday Classes
We provide ages specific classes from 0 through the 5th grade where God’s Word is taught in conjunction with the singing of worship songs and engaging in activities with leaders who love your kids! Through Lifeway’s The Gospel Project + Bible Studies for Life curriculum, infants, preschoolers, and the kids alike will find out that the Bible is not just a collection of stories but one unified in story – God’s story of redemption.
We host a variety of events throughout the year all with the purpose of our ministry in mind – Daddy/Daughter Date Night (Spring), Vacation Bible School (Summer), Mommy/Son Date Night (Fall), Trunk or Treat (Fall), Christmas Celebration (Winter), etc.
Do you have any questions about Calvary Kids or how you can get involved? Contact Aaron Whisler.

Student Worship
Wednesdays / 6-8p in the Student Lounge
Students find joy in Jesus through gospel-shaped community and gospel-driven worship, with a mission to make disciples of all nations.
Evening activities include:
- Time to hang out with friends
- Large group teaching sessions where students are exposed to and think through the truths of the Gospel
- Small group break out discussions and prayer time to process and personalize the teaching
- Game time
Junior High + High School
Being a part of the Family Ministry, Calvary Student Ministries equips and encourages families in the discipleship of their children from 6th-12th grade. These are designed to bring students together to engage and live out the gospel in every area of their lives because the gospel changes every aspect of our lives.
The Role of Parents + Families
The Scriptures are clear that parents have the joy and responsibility of raising their children in the ways of Jesus. Parents are the primary voice and point of influence in their child’s life. As their children experience both joy and pain in life, parents are to help their kids see those experiences in light of the gospel // Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Psalm 78:1-7, Ephesians 6:4, Proverbs 22:6
The Role of the Student Ministry
Our desire is to partner with parents as they take the lead in the spiritual development of their child. It is our hope and prayer to equip, encourage and minister to families by providing resources and opportunities that help them worship and learn together.

College + College Age
Associate Membership
We believe it is vital for college students to be connected to and involved in the local church, so we have created an “associate membership” for you so that you can be an active part of our faith-family.